I cannot pretend I am invincible. My family history reminds me that I will die. My father had a massive heart attack and died at age 54. My brother suffered a debilitating heart attack at 47. My mother had a massive stroke at age 54; her mother at age 48; and her mother at age 45. Seeing this history on paper helps me to stay conscious of my vulnerability to heart disease.
I made a promise to my son that I would do everything I can to keep my body healthy. If I am to be true to that promise, then I must take seriously my need to exercise regularly, eat heart-healthy foods, and maintain a heart-healthy weight.
Having a written family history is a gift to me. This history also gifts my son, so that he will know his genetic vulnerabilities.
Explore and record your own and your family’s medical history, then take some time to sit with it and see its messages. What does your personal and family medical history have to teach you? Recording your knowledge and observations can assist your children and their children in navigating their own health.