- Essential Information: Vital statistics, emergency instructions, key contacts, document storage
- Family: Family history, family stories, children’s information, pet care
- Reflections on Life: Personal reflections, memories and letters to loved ones
- Final Celebrations and Services: Funeral planning and instructions, obituary
- Medical Records: Personal and family medical history
- Money Matters: Finances, banking, insurance, investments, real estate
- Home: House and yard care
- Legal Documents: Will, power of attorney, medical directives and more
- Resources
The Lasting Gifts manual means that this important task doesn’t have to be an overwhelming one. You can work through the manual one piece at a time, in whatever order you choose. Work at your own pace, on your own or with a loved one. However you choose to use Lasting Gifts, you’ll be glad you did.
For information about bulk orders, email Kim or Shannon at info@lastinggifts.org