As I sit at my desk, I am struck by the chaos of my creative process. Piles cover my desk: a pile for each project waiting to be finished; a pile of things I hope to get around to reading some day; my pile of bills that need to be paid and a pile that needs my immediate attention.
I look at this and wonder, if something were to happen to me today and I was hospitalized or died, would my husband be able to navigate my system? Would he know which piles he could ignore and which piles needed to be tended to? Would he know where to find the bills that would soon need to be paid?
In a time of crisis, it is difficult enough to tend to the mundane chores of bill paying and responding to the mail. It could be overwhelming, and cause many additional difficulties, if our loved ones did not even know where to begin. The Lasting Gifts Manual will provide you with forms to guide you in recording this essential information.